How can I get articles from other libraries (request an interlibrary loan)?

If Library Services does not own an article(s), you can request that we get it from another library using interlibrary loan or ILL.


If MSU's Library Services does not have access to an article, you can request it from other libraries through our Interlibrary Loan service, or ILL. This service is provided free of charge to current MSU students, faculty, and staff. 

Find and Request an Articles through MavScholar

Start at the Library Services homepage (this link will open in a new window). 

  1. Use the MavScholar search box toward the top of the screen to search for your article.
  2. In MavScholar, click the Add Results from Other Sources option near the top of the filter bar. 
  3. Once you find the article, click on No Online Access or the title. 
  4. On the next screen under the How to get it section, Sign In using your StarID information. 
  5. After signing in, click on Interlibrary Loan in the How to get it section.
  6. A form will include filled-in information about the article. Review the information to make sure it is correct. Check the box to acknowledge the copyright statement. 
  7. Click Send Request to continue. The next screen should confirm your submitted request.

Access the Article

When the article is ready online, you will receive access instructions via your MavMail email address.

Online access to the article will expire. Be sure to download your article.


  • Last Updated Jan 30, 2025
  • Views 203
  • Answered By Memorial Library Team

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