Does the Library have Wi-Fi?
Official Campus Wi-Fi: Eduroam
‘Educational roaming,’ or Eduroam, is our fast and secure Wi-Fi network for personally-owned devices like laptops and smartphones as well faculty and staff state-owned devices.
Connect to eduroam and you won’t have to worry about changing your password. And, with improved wireless encryption, you can be sure your connection is secure. Plus, you'll also be able to automatically connect to the eduroam network at any participating college or university worldwide!
MavNET-Encrypted is a secure Wi-Fi network intended for faculty and staff use on state-owned devices. It is available throughout the campus and remote University locations.
Guest Wi-Fi: MavGuest
MavGUEST is available in Bresnan Arena, Myers Field House, and the Centennial Student Union year-round. MavGUEST is available campus-wide during winter and summer breaks.
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