How do I renew or cancel an ILL (interlibrary loan)

You can renew ILL (interlibrary loan) items or cancel ILL requests


Use your My Library Account to renew or cancel an ILL (this link will open in a new window). Select StarID Login then enter your StarID information.

Cancel an ILL

You Want to Cancel an ILL

On your My Library Account page, click on the Requests tab. Click the Cancel button near the title of the item. You will be asked to confirm the cancellation. You will receive a message, sent to your MavMail account, that your ILL request has been cancelled.

Library Cancels ILL

On your My Library Account page, click on the Requests tab. Don’t worry about statuses such as Locate Failed. These are internal staff labels; we are still working on your request. If request cannot be filled, you will receive a cancellation email.

Renew an ILL You Borrowed

On your My Library Account page, click on the Loans tab. Click the Renew button near the title of the item, or choose the Renew All option at the top of the page to request that all items on the page be renewed.  

A notification will appear immediately stating something like, "Renew request has been sent to resource sharing lender and is pending approval." This means we have sent a renew request to the other library. It may take a few days for approval; check your My Library Account daily to see if request has been accepted and new due date set. If other library denies the request, book needs to be returned as soon as possible.

Other ILL Information and Requests

If you have questions about ILLs, visit the Interlibrary Loan page or Ask a Librarian

  • Last Updated Feb 21, 2025
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Memorial Library Team

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